Problems with laser_scan_mather sliding in dead-ends
I'm using laser_scan_matcher to provide a /odom frame. I understand there are some situations where it will perform very badly, for example in a corridor, as it can be hard for it to detect the forward motion. But, I also have problems with it not being able to detect the forward motion when in a dead-end corridor.
To me, it seems like a dead-end corridor would be a perfect situation: the side walls will be used for detecting rotations, the end wall will be used to detected forward/backward motion. However, it only detects about a tenth of the forward motion, if even that. The robot is only moving forwards and backwards, not turning.
Is there some parameter that could help? Currently I'm more or less randomly changing them, trying to find something that will help. I was thinking that possibly 'outliers_maxPerc' was the culprit, as the corridor is not very wide, so there are few data points from the end wall, but setting it to 0.99 didn't help. I've also tried enabling the alpha-beta filter.
Regards, Rasmus Ahlberg