Gazebo model: wheels slip after upgrade to Electric
Dear Gazebo gurus,
after switching to Electric, my robot model seems to lose friction with the ground in Gazebo. The wheels are still turning, but the robot doesn't move forward. The same code works perfectly in Diamondback.
Steps to reproduce:
git clone
rosmake kurt_gazebo kurt_teleop_key
roslaunch kurt_gazebo kurt_wg_world.launch
rosrun kurt_teleop kurt_teleop_key
Now use the w,q,e,s keys to send cmd_vel
Update 1: Here's a short video of that behaviour:
Update 2: It's not a problem with my custom controller. In order to isolate the problem, I removed the gazebo_ros_kurt controller
from kurt_description/bases/kurt_indoor.urdf.xacro
and applied a body wrench to one wheel:
rosservice call gazebo/apply_body_wrench '{body_name: "kurt::left_front_wheel_link" , wrench: { force: { x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0 } , torque: { x: 0.0, y: 14.0 , z: 0.0 } }, duration: -1 }'
In Diamondback, this makes the robot turn; in Electric, for all y torques below ~13, nothing seems to happen; from ~14 on upwards, the robot jumps violently around.
Here's a video of that, too:
Update 3: Thanks to @hsu, this was fixed in commit 1eafb56786b1f22f67967d1d821f687ac7c827f3
, so if you want to reproduce the bug make sure to get an earlier commit than that.