error on playing back of depth image of prime sensor [closed]
I am trying to play back a bag file of rgb and depth images of prime sensor. The rgb image is played well, but the depth image isn't. When I played back the bag of depth image with rxbag, the following error occurred:
Can't convert: Error loading image on topic /camera/depth/image: local variable 'mode' referenced before assignment
Failed to load: ('/camera/depth/image', 1314152344.8639498, 0.15948963317384371, (151,))
I can see the depth image with the following command:
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/depth/image
But, I cannot see depth image in the rxbag display.
Also, I downloaded a bag of other person and tried to play back it. I could see the rgb image but not the depth image.
Could you give an advice on this error?
Just for bumping: I also have this problem. For me the same holds also when recording rgb image
This question is quite old; has it resolved itself in the interim?