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android studio build error

asked 2013-12-02 00:07:12 -0500

Lunbo gravatar image

updated 2013-12-12 20:06:26 -0500

tfoote gravatar image

I was so happy to see that there is a tutorial teaching you how to develop from Android Studio without a ROS environment.

h ttp://

Follow the spec, I changed the build.gradle in the new project to the following

> buildscript { 
>     repositories {
>         mavenCentral()
>     }
>     dependencies {
>        classpath ''
>     } } apply plugin: 'android' repositories {
>     maven {
>         url 'h ttps://'
>     }
>     mavenCentral() } android {
>     compileSdkVersion 19
>     buildToolsVersion "19.0.0"
>     defaultConfig {
>         minSdkVersion 7
>         targetSdkVersion 19
>     } } dependencies {
>     compile 'org.ros.android_core:android_gingerbread_mr1:0.1.+'
>     compile 'org.ros.android_core:android_honeycomb_mr2:0.1.+'
>     compile 'org.ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.1.+'
>     compile ''
> }

Then there is an error when i tried to build it:

> Gradle: A problem occurred configuring project ':CameraImuManager'.
> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
   > Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':CameraImuManager:_DebugCompile'.
      > Could not resolve org.ros.android_core:android_gingerbread_mr1:0.1.+.
        Required by:
         > Could not resolve org.ros.android_core:android_gingerbread_mr1:0.1.+.
            > Could not parse POM h ttps://
               > 已经看到 doctype。
      > Could not resolve org.ros.android_core:android_honeycomb_mr2:0.1.+.
        Required by:
         > Could not resolve org.ros.android_core:android_honeycomb_mr2:0.1.+.
            > Could not parse POM h ttps://
               > 已经看到 doctype。
      > Could not resolve org.ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.1.+.
        Required by:
         > Could not resolve org.ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.1.+.
            > Could not parse POM h ttps://
               > 已经看到 doctype。

I use Android Studio on Ubuntu 12.04, thanks!

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2 Answers

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answered 2013-12-02 22:10:07 -0500

Hi Lunbo,

try 'https://...' instead of 'h ttps://...'.

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Actually, I leave it like that on purpose. I cannot post URL since I am new to this community. Sorry for bringing confusing post.

Lunbo gravatar image Lunbo  ( 2013-12-03 20:09:46 -0500 )edit

Thanks! it works for me.

Lunbo gravatar image Lunbo  ( 2013-12-05 11:45:17 -0500 )edit

answered 2013-12-04 05:09:13 -0500

ShivrajDalu gravatar image

try this it helprd for me just remember to change android{} accordingly buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath '' } } apply plugin: 'android' repositories { maven { url '' } mavenCentral() } android { compileSdkVersion 18 buildToolsVersion "18.1.1" defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 7 targetSdkVersion 18 } } dependencies { compile '' compile 'org.ros.android_core:android_gingerbread_mr1:0.1.+' compile 'org.ros.android_core:android_honeycomb_mr2:0.1.+' compile 'org.ros.rosjava_core:rosjava:0.1.+' }

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Asked: 2013-12-02 00:07:12 -0500

Seen: 1,807 times

Last updated: Dec 04 '13