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how to execute rgbdslam by bag file

asked 2011-07-04 16:49:55 -0600

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hi, I'm trying to execute rgbdslam offline by bag files. but I don't know that bag files I made is correct.

I found that rgbdslam subscribe 3 msgs, /camera/rgb/image_mono, /camera/rgb/points, /camera/depth/image. so I tried to create bag files in 2 ways[publish from openni_camera node].

  1. rosbag record -a
  2. rosbag record -O test /camera/rgb/image_mono /camera/rgb/points /camera/depth/image

but 1. occurred error in openni_node running. 2. was OK. but buffer exceed warning was occurred so It has just about 10seconds duration.

What can I do for this work.

answer anything to that. thank you.

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Can you post the exact error messages.
dornhege gravatar image dornhege  ( 2011-07-05 01:28:21 -0600 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2011-07-06 11:25:10 -0600

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For 1: rosbag record -a is almost always the wrong choice; it's a stupendous amount of data. Running it with openni runs you into a limitation of the driver: you can't be connected to the depth and IR streams simultaneously.

For 2: /camera/rgb/points is also a lot of data; roughly 300 meg/sec. That's going to fill your write buffers very quickly. See the accepted answer to my question about RGB6D for a discussion of what quality of data you need to get this working well.

You are recording the correct topics (it doesn't hurt to record /tf, as well).

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answered 2011-07-21 01:31:36 -0600

this post is marked as community wiki

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Hi, I wanted to ask if you have had success with running rgbdslam on your already recorded files, and how exactly did you do it?

Thanx in advance

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This isn't related to the previous question. If you have an actual question, please create a new question.
Mac gravatar image Mac  ( 2011-07-21 08:23:01 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2011-07-04 16:49:55 -0600

Seen: 979 times

Last updated: Jul 21 '11