Trajectory planner for a multi robot omniwheeled soccer system
Hi folks,
Sorry for such a general question but I'm kind of in a hurry for RoboCup'11. I was planning to write my own Dynamic Safety Search (J.R.Bruce ,2006) algorithm to control a multi robot omniwheeled soccer system, then I came across with the DWA of base_local_planner. In principle, DSS is very similar to DWA, so I am planning to go with TrajectoryPlannerROS class.
So, my questions are as follows:
I obtain the linear line segments by using ompl's RRT-based planners for each robot. These robots have an almost-elliptically shaped velocity profile in x-y coordinates(viz. v_x = [-3.5, 3.5], v_y = [-4, 4], but the applicable velocities forms a deltoid in v_x-v_y plane). So, I have different max and min velocities for different velocity directions. But we can set the velocity limits more like in a square shape in the parameters of TrajectoryPlannerROS. Is is possible to set the allowable speeds in a different way? For instance, with a polygon, convex-hull, etc.
This motion control program will run on an offboard computer, and odometry data will not be available, but the global velocity can be provided. However, the time limit for this motion control program is like a couple of miliseconds. Do you think it can perform sufficiently good?
What exactly is a strafing velocity?
Thank you for your assistance...