ROS can't access iRobot Create
I'm trying to work on iRobot Create. I used the ROS drivers following instructions from the Wiki (Turtlebot_node and irobot_create_2_1)
But, while I was trying to run the python script, an error message popped up saying that irobot create isn't connected into the computer. I am using PL-2303X/H serial port and I plugged the cable accordingly with setting the permission (sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0). Is there any driver source I have to install in Ubuntu 12.04 (Kernel 3.5.0-42-generic) for using PL-2303X/H? Any suggestions?
The error message is as follows
Failed to open port /dev/ttyUSB0. Please make sure the Create cable is plugged into the computer.