Choosing a robot for beginners on ROS
I am in the process of getting myself a cheap research robot for experimenting and learning with ROS. I identified the Roomba series of vacuum cleaners as the most economical in terms of price and what I am looking to do with it using ROS.
The 'Roomba create' would be a good option if ROS had drivers for it already. Though, I don't think I would be able to get my hands on it since I live outside the US and iRobot does not ship 'Roomba create' outside the US.
So bottom line,
1) I would like to know, which series of Roomba cleaners are outright supported by ROS without me having to write drivers to integrate it with ROS?
2) What are some interesting things that can be done with a Roomba bot and ROS? I am just looking for ideas. Even fringe ideas are welcome : )