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Try to check the the TF tree and see the position of ur robot with respect to a fixed frame which is either map or world and check whether all transformation have been defined correctly or not.

Hope this helps

PS:Try to add some snapshots of rviz and tf tree panel of rviz.

Try to check the the TF tree and see the position of ur robot with respect to a fixed frame which is either map or world and check whether all transformation have been defined correctly or not.

Ur odom id defined in correct frame. Echo /odom and see the position of robot or use tf_echo to check the transformation values between map and base_link, map and odom, odom and base_link.

Using this u might be able to debug where transformation is going wrong.

Hope this helps

PS:Try to add some snapshots PS:add terminal output of rviz and tf tree panel of rviz.tf_echo

Try to check the the TF tree and see the position of ur robot with respect to a fixed frame which is either map or world and check whether all transformation have been defined correctly or not.

Ur odom id defined in correct frame. Echo /odom and see the position of robot or use tf_echo to check the transformation values between map and base_link, map and odom, odom and base_link.

Using this u might be able to debug where transformation is going wrong.

Hope this helps

EDIT: Since all the transformation looks good, one thing you can try is to check the frame id attached to goal position...maybe that could help.

PS:add terminal output of tf_echo