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In this case, the issue is that eddiebot_line_follower uses CvBridge.h, which was marked as deprecated in fuerte and removed in groovy.

To get the package to work in groovy, you'll need to update eddiebot_line_follower to work with the current cv_bridge API. The following changes get the code to compile on my machine (under groovy):

 40 //#include <cv_bridge/CvBridge.h>

103 cv::Mat imgMat = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(msg, "rgb8")->image;
104 IplImage* img = new IplImage(imgMat);

238 cv_bridge::CvImage tmpImg(std_msgs::Header(), "rgb8", cv::Mat(img));
239 sensor_msgs::ImagePtr out = tmpImg.toImageMsg();

NOTE: this trivial mod introduces a small memory leak (IplImage header). You should add the appropriate de-allocation call later to release the memory, if you intend to use this for anything other than testing purposes