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As this is 10 months old I don't know if you still need this, but for anyone else having this problem it is because the base_frame is set to base_link but the robot state publisher is not publishing the base_link. There are two ways to fix this. The quick and dirty way is to change the base_link parameter in the launch file to laser_mount_link. The better way would be to add a base_link-->laser_mount_link transform to the robot state publisher.

As this is 10 months old I don't know if you still need this, but for anyone else having this problem it is because the base_frame is set to base_link but the robot state publisher is not publishing the base_link. There are two ways to fix this. The quick and dirty way is to change the base_link parameter in the launch file to laser_mount_link. The better way would be to add a base_link-->laser_mount_link transform to the robot state publisher.publisher. If the second method is followed you should also set the odom_frame to base_link as well.