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Below I have tried to outline the trade offs between using an irobot create and a roomba:

Power: The kinect requires about 0.5-0.8A when running (when the fan turns on there is a current spike). The irobot create has the ability to source/provide 1.5A of current through the DB25 connector in the bay of the robot. The roomba only has the ability to source/provide 0.5A through the MiniDIN connector. Currently documentation is provided on for building or purchasing a board to power the kinect from an irobot create; you will need to figure out something for the roomba ( has been working on a solution for this as well you might be able to get a power board from them).

Localization: [FACT] The wheel encoders on the irobot create and early version roombas are terrible, users have reported that later version roombas have better encoders and do better with localization. However if you want to use an irobot create you will need a gyro and this is designed into the TurtleBot power board. The encoders might be good enough on the roomba but this is completely untested.

Software Integration: The TurtleBot stack is meant to run on an irobot create and is tested against that platform. However users have been working with roombas as well, so you could get support from this forum. Just be aware that it may not be a plug and play solution.