Builing an Octomap from rgbdslam
I'm trying to build an Octomap from Kinect data using rgbdslam, but I'm experiencing some difficulties and hope someone here might be able to help me with that. My setup:
- ROS Groovy on Ubuntu 12.04
- rgbdslam downloaded and compiled as detailed in hxxp://wiki.ros.org/rgbdslam (can't post proper link due to lack of karma)
- octomap(_server) from the Ubuntu-apt-packages (ros-groovy-octomap*)
I'm launching rgbdslam using the provided rgbdslam_octomap.launch file, which remaps /rgbdslam/batch_clouds to cloud_in (I've checked). rgbdslam seems to work fine in its own window. I want to visualize the generated Octomap in rviz using the appropriate plugins for OccupancyGrid/Map, however, rviz doesn't display anything - so I must assume that the Octomap isn't built (properly or at all).
I listened to /rgbdslam/batch_clouds using rostopic echo and found out that I have to select "Send map" in the rgbdslam in order to cause activity on this topic - I see a batch of numbers being transmitted as soon as I select "Send map". However, Octomap still doesn't seem to do anything, judging by rviz. I also tried octovis, but to no avail.
Does anybody here have a clue for me as to what I'm doing wrong? Why does it seem like no octomap is being built when /rgbdslam/batch_clouds transmits data?