Please help, converting urdf.xacro to SDF
Hello all.
I am having trouble to convert the urdf.xacro files to sdf format, which is used by the newest version of gazebo. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you All! @Norman_Hendrich @hsu, please help!!!!!
If you can provide more information, like the error msg etc, it would be easy to help.
Ok. I am interested in opening up the file download from I followed the gazebo 1.5 tutorial from gazebosim's website, it's very clear in opening up the sdf. I am now using gazebo 1.7, according the forum, .urdf.xacro file is no
longer supported. So I am thinking of converting the urdf.xacro file unto the sdf format. But I have no idea how to do that.
did you run "rosrun xacro [your_file.urdf.xacro] > [name_for_new_urdf.urdf]" and then "gzsdf print [name_for_new_urdf.urdf] > [name_for_new_sdf.urdf]"? and what is the error msg you're getting?
very weird. There might be a problem with my rosrun xacro, when I ran it, it did convert xacro > urdf succesfully, but when I open the urdf it converts, it shows <root xmlns:xacro=""> <!-- Included URDF Files --> </root>
That urdf file is empty
can you tell what exactly you typed?
sorry, thank you for all of your help so far. For some unknown reason, I tried the same command on friend's computer, it works flawlessly. But when I tried the same command : rosrun xacro my.xacro.urdf > my.urdf
a file was created. But when I open my.urdf, that file was actually empty
I still haven't figure it out what went wrong, but I guess I would use friend's computer for now. PS: I was also following following the gazebo tutorial from ROS website, I was unable to "roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch" and "rosrun gazebo gzsdf print" to convert a file. So I guess