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Why do we use argument -i in rosdep install?

asked 2022-08-04 06:01:03 -0500

updated 2022-08-04 06:01:19 -0500

I am new to ROS2 and going through the tutorials here. I want to know why do we use the argument -i during rosdep install. I went through the man pages of rosdep and could not really understand why rosdep needs to ignore keys that are found to be catkin or ament packages. This is man page definition:

-i, --ignore-packages-from-source, --ignore-src Affects the 'check', 'install', and 'keys' verbs. If specified then rosdep will ignore keys that are found to be catkin or ament packages anywhere in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, AMENT_PREFIX_PATH or in any of the directories given by the --from-paths option.

What is the need to ignore the keys that are found to be catkin or ament packages anywhere in the path?

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answered 2022-08-04 06:31:47 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2022-08-04 06:33:43 -0500

What is the need to ignore the keys that are found to be catkin or ament packages anywhere in the path?

no, that's not what -i is for/does.

--ignore-packages-from-source tells rosdep to consider dependencies which it can find locally, in your workspace, as fulfilled.

In other words: if there are 4 dependencies, and 3 are already present in your workspace, rosdep will only install the single remaining dependency you don't have in your workspace.

Example: package.xml of pkg_c states dependency on pkg_a and pkg_b. Your workspace contains pkg_a. rosdep will only install pkg_b. pkg_a will be built as part of your workspace.

The usage text mentions "catkin or ament packages" as those are the only two types of packages rosdep would be able to detect in your workspace. You could have 20 other packages there (NPM, Conan, plain CMake, etc), but unless they are either Catkin or Ament packages, rosdep wouldn't know.

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Asked: 2022-08-04 06:01:03 -0500

Seen: 279 times

Last updated: Aug 04 '22