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ROS2 wait for message python

asked 2022-06-15 09:03:31 -0500

Bastian2909 gravatar image

Hello, I am using ros2 foxy with ubuntu 20.04 and i was wondering what was the way to retrieve a message of type odometry only once ?

I have created a node which provide a service, and I want this service to save the odomoetry of my robot in a .txt file when I call it.

I read that there was a function called waitForMessage with rospy but if I understand correctly, this is for ros1. Is there an alternative for ros2 or am i just missing an easy way to do that ?

class OdomService(Node):
  def __init__(self):
    self.srv = self.create_service(
      Trigger, 'set_charging_station', self.trigger_callback)

  def trigger_callback(self, request, response):
    result = self.save_odom()
    if result == 0:
      response.success = True
      response.message = "odom saved"
        "An error occured while saving odom, please try again.\n")
      response.success = False
      response.message = "An error occured"
    return response

  def save_odom(self):
    odom = # not sure what to use here
    self.get_logger().info('Odom saved :'+str(odom))
    return 0

def main(args=None):

  odom_service = OdomService()



if __name__ == '__main__':

Thank you for taking the time to read my question !

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1 Answer

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answered 2022-06-15 09:27:10 -0500

ljaniec gravatar image

I think you can use a timer with the callback, that will store the last odometry message in the _last_odom_msg class field, and then you can just retrieve that value when the service is called.

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Thank you, that was what i needed !

Bastian2909 gravatar image Bastian2909  ( 2022-06-29 05:28:07 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2022-06-15 09:03:31 -0500

Seen: 564 times

Last updated: Jun 15 '22