How to use Intel one API for hardware acceleration

asked 2022-04-21 09:19:48 -0500

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Hi everybody. Has anyone already tried to compile existing packages from ROS2 (I'm primarily interested in rtabmap_ros, but I suppose the steps in getting things to work would be the same for any package) using Intel oneAPI compiler icpx and make the whole program run on GPU instead of CPU, or even on FPGA?

So far I got rtabmap_ros from github, did a build in my local workspace and even set icpx as standard compiler. Anyhow ... it works but doesn't turn to use GPU. So I'm wondering if I might have missed some flag for the compiler or else if it is a ROS problem...

Anyhow, I would be very much interested if anybody had any experience to share on this topic.

using ROS2 Foxy with Ubuntu 20.04

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