How can I get/set parameters directly in the websocket

asked 2021-12-06 16:28:39 -0500

Fabricio gravatar image

Hi, I'm writing a websocket client library in Rust to be able to talk to the rosbridge server, but I'm having a hard time writing the message to retrieve and set parameters. According to the code in the roslibsj, a call to get_param is actually a op: "call_service", but to a specific service like /rosapi/get_param_names. Something like this:

{ "op": "call_service", "service": "/rosapi/get_param_names", "serviceType": "rosapi/GetParamNames" }

But when I connect to the bridge on port 9090 using Postman and test the message format, I get that the service does not exist. In fact using any of the parameters obtained in rosparam list (CLI) gives me the same error. I'm using ROS noetic. What's the correct message format to retrieve parameters?

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