gscam issues with ip camera
Hi there, i have a problem in getting my ip cameras videostream into ROS. I try to use the gscam package from brown university.
I followed the Webcam tutorial and edited it to manage the access to the rtsp videostream of my camera.
I'm starting the gscam node with :
export GSCAM_CONFIG="rtspsrc location=rtsp://CameraIP/ipcam.sdp ! video/x-raw-rgb,framerate=30/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace"
to set the proper configuration and then i run it with: rosrun gscam gscam
And this is the output which seems ok.
Gstreamer Version: GStreamer 0.10.36 stream is PAUSED. Processing...
when i do rostopic list, all topics from the gscam node are listed. But now when i try to watch the video with
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/gscam/image_raw
a small blank window pops up, but without any picture or video from my camera. when i try to echo the image_raw topic, there are no messages published by the node. I can see there is something going on with the camera, the lights are blinking the same way, as i watch the videostream via webbrowser or even gstreamer launchend without ros, which works perfect.
i have no clue on this, but maybe someone of u have an idea or faced the same problem and managed to solve it.
i would be pretty happy if there is some help out there.
Try rxgraph to see if the nodes and topics are connected as expected. Try
rostopic hz /gscam/image_raw
to see if any images are actually being published.rxgraph shows me the gscam_publisher node and the connected image_view_node. everything seems to work. hz /gscam/image_raw brings up that there are no images actually being published,