noisy odometer data from second ekf instance of dual_ekf_navsat_transform node [closed]

asked 2021-08-11 00:43:53 -0500

rcbot gravatar image

Hi Ros family, I have been trying to implement robot localization with sensor data collected from the simulated robot model in the gazebo. I have used the gazebo differential drive plugin for Odomtery, hector GPS plugin for GPS, and hector IMU plugin for IMU sensor. And I am using dual_ekf_navsat_transform given in the robot_localisation package to fuse these sensor data. Though odometry reading from the first EKF instance seems doing well. The output from the second EKF instance is very noisy and all over the place, as you can see in the picture named rviz_output.png in the attached folder ( I have been trying to resolve this issue for the past couple of weeks. I really appreciate it if can help me to troubleshoot this issue.

Note: I have uploaded rosbag file, sample sensor output data. ekf configuration and launch files in the same google drive folder attached above

Thank you

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by Tom Moore
close date 2023-03-09 08:06:37.619321


Please post your full EKF and navsat_transform config, and one sample message from each sensor input.

Tom Moore gravatar image Tom Moore  ( 2022-02-25 04:01:06 -0500 )edit