Trouble using mavros /rc/in topic with pixhawk
I'm using a Herelink remote controller which is connected to pixhawk purple-cube via mavlink2 protocol on the telem-2 connector pin. I'm trying to read the rc/in topic in mavros (using rostopic echo). command used:
roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:=serial:///dev/ttyACM0:57600
This is what I can see:
seq: 71
secs: 1606131722
nsecs: 352759947
frame_id: ''
rssi: 0
channels: []
As you can see, none of the 16 channels are visible. No changes in the rc/in channels array occur even with button/stick inputs from the herelink controller.
Do note that communication between the pixhawk and the computer is working well, I ran rostopic echo /mavros/imu/data
and the appropriate data was being published and could be viewed.