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How to download and install ROS Fuerte in 2019?

asked 2019-12-20 14:11:24 -0500

saltus gravatar image

I am currently trying to implement someone else's project code to recreate their results. They've left build instructions, and running instructions, which is great. The only issue is, the original project was implemented on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin with ROS Fuerte, and is too sprawling for me to have a reasonable chance of successfully migrating it to a newer Ubuntu/ROS.

I was able to get a virtual machine running with Ubuntu 12.04 on it. When it came to installing ROS Fuerte, I followed the instructions here, but when I try to install the pre-built binaries with apt-get (Step 1.4), I get the error

E: Unable to locate package ros-fuerte-desktop-full

I'm assuming that because Fuerte has long since passed its EOL date, the binaries have been taken off the server. I also tried to install it from source, but ran into an error in step 1.2.2:

ERROR in config: Unable to download URL []: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

Have these files been moved somewhere? What is the best way to go about installing ROS Fuerte in 2019?

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Does this post help in working around the disappearance of the gen_rosinstall.pyscript from when you try to build from source.?

jarvisschultz gravatar image jarvisschultz  ( 2019-12-20 14:22:59 -0500 )edit

The answer from @gvdhoorn is likely much more useful. I focused in on why you were having the source build error, but he's right, avoiding building from source is definitely preferable

jarvisschultz gravatar image jarvisschultz  ( 2019-12-20 16:15:42 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2019-12-20 14:40:00 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

updated 2019-12-20 14:41:45 -0500

I'm assuming that because Fuerte has long since passed its EOL date,


the binaries have been taken off the server.

The main repositories have been cleaned up and don't serve the Fuerte binaries any more.

However, the SnapshotRepository still has everything available.

Follow the instructions there, don't be confused by the fact that fuerte is not listed in the table on that page, but do realise there is only a final snapshot available, as explained in the Snapshots of End-Of-Life ROS distributions section.

That should allow you to install the latest last builds of all Fuerte packages.

I also tried to install it from source,

Please don't do this, unless absolutely necessary.

I was able to get a virtual machine running with Ubuntu 12.04 on it.

As an alternative you could consider using the Docker images for legacy ROS versions. That could also let you avoid the VM, which is always a good thing imho.

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Thanks for the tip! The SnapshotRepository is exactly what I'm looking for.

That could also let you avoid the VM, which is always a good thing imho.

I agree, I originally created a partition to install 12.04 on, but getting the hardware drivers to work with my current setup was a nightmare. So I figured the VM was a necessary evil. I'll definitely take a look at those Docker images and see if they're a better fit for what I'm trying to do.

saltus gravatar image saltus  ( 2019-12-20 17:01:05 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2019-12-20 14:11:24 -0500

Seen: 455 times

Last updated: Dec 20 '19