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Basler Pulse puA2500_14uc Driver

asked 2018-05-14 00:57:38 -0500

Goki gravatar image

updated 2018-07-16 18:06:25 -0500

jayess gravatar image

Hi Fellows,

I have installed pylon debian packages as per the Link: and after doing every steps finally I tried :

$ roslaunch pylon_camera pylon_camera_node.launch

( or )

$ rosrun pylon_camera pylon_camera_node

I am getting an error saying :

[ INFO] : No Device User ID set -> Will open the camera device found first

[ INFO] : Found camera with DeviceUserID 1: puA2500-14uc

[ERROR] : Found 'BaslerUsb'-Camera, but it is neither a Dart, nor a USB-Camera. Up to now, other cameras are not supported by this pkg!

Camera Model: Basler Pulse puA2500_14us | Usb 3.0 Supported

What is the possible problem with this, Thanks in advance

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1 Answer

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answered 2018-07-26 09:47:42 -0500


The camera works with the package, but you need to add a few workarounds to the code.

First, you need to change the code so that it does not reject the camera. In the file pylon_camera.cpp add the following line between line 79 and 80:

else if (, 3, "puA") == 0 ) { return DART; }

This way the code recognizes the pulse as a basler dart camera. After compiling, you will still get an error because the code tries to access a camera feature which is present on the dart and ace cameras but not on the pulse. Comment the line 297 in file pylon_camera_base.hpp:

//user_output_selector_enums_ = detectAndCountNumUserOutputs();

Compile the code. Now it should work with the camera. So far I had not any error with this workaround.

I am sure there are better solutions. But this one is quick and dirty.

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Asked: 2018-05-14 00:57:38 -0500

Seen: 283 times

Last updated: Jul 16 '18