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What are differences of ROS Desktop vs Base?

asked 2016-04-04 14:47:17 -0500

jacksonkr_ gravatar image

I'm installing ROS Indigo on Jetson TK1 and it's fast enough for RVIZ so I was wanting to install the desktop version but only base is available.

How can I get a list of the packages in Desktop so that I can install them manually? This is all on Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty" on ARM Jetson TK1

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2 Answers

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answered 2016-04-04 17:30:28 -0500

ahendrix gravatar image

You probably can't install the desktop metapackage on ARM because not all of the packages in it build for ARM.

The full list of which packages are currently available on ARM and which aren't is on the ARM build status page

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Hi Mr. @ahendrix . I wan to install ros on my jetson tx1(ubuntu 16.04). but i dont know which to install. ros base or ros desktop. please help me this situation

Mekateng gravatar image Mekateng  ( 2018-05-02 04:16:30 -0500 )edit

All of the packages installed by base are also installed by desktop. Desktop also includes GUI (graphical user interface) packages that are only useful if you have a monitor attached to your TX1.

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2018-05-02 10:34:00 -0500 )edit

I would start with base, and if you find that you need the additional GUI packages, you can install individual packages or the desktop variant later.

ahendrix gravatar image ahendrix  ( 2018-05-02 10:34:42 -0500 )edit

Thank you very much

Mekateng gravatar image Mekateng  ( 2018-05-03 06:34:05 -0500 )edit

answered 2016-04-04 15:32:39 -0500

gvdhoorn gravatar image

The contents of all distribution metapackages is documented in REP-142:

 - ros_base:
    extends: [ros_core]
    packages: [actionlib, angles, bond_core, class_loader,
               dynamic_reconfigure, nodelet_core,


 - desktop:
     extends: [robot, viz]
    packages: [common_tutorials, geometry_tutorials, ros_tutorials,
               roslint, urdf_tutorials, visualization_tutorials]
- desktop_full:
    extends: [desktop, perception, simulators]

How can I get a list of the packages in Desktop so that I can install them manually?

You can use the rosinstall_generator to generate a .rosinstall file for you. That would include the necessary information.

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Asked: 2016-04-04 14:47:17 -0500

Seen: 9,440 times

Last updated: Apr 04 '16