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User level in robridge

asked 2016-01-23 02:39:40 -0500

Lain Iwakura gravatar image

updated 2016-01-23 09:02:51 -0500

Hello, I would like to know how to assigned authorization to None-ROS client, like a browser, which is connected through rosbridge. If I am right, I can realize it by using the 'level' field in rosbridge. (Otherwise what is it used for?)

I read the protocol document, but I couldn't get the answer.

Isn't it implemented?

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1 Answer

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answered 2016-01-24 11:16:39 -0500

rtoris288 gravatar image

By default there is no authentication enabled in rosbridge so any browser can connect. You can enable only authorized clients to connect by using rosauth (see GitHub for source code and this paper for details). The current implementation only checks for authentication, not authorization (i.e., different user levels). Although a field is passed along indicating the user lever specified from the client. This could be extended of course.

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Thank you for your answer. I read your answer. I would like to implement the authorization part if I have the chance..

Lain Iwakura gravatar image Lain Iwakura  ( 2016-01-31 03:53:55 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2016-01-23 02:39:40 -0500

Seen: 373 times

Last updated: Jan 24 '16