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Creating an RVIZ plugin to add semantic information to a map

asked 2014-08-23 14:07:59 -0500

jorge gravatar image

I repeat this question posted 2 years ago, except that we need a plugin for a different purpose. We plan to create a graphical editor to add semantic information to 2D/3D maps, and a RViz plugin could be the ideal solution. Rqt plugins look great for simple interfaces, but we need the fully-fledged 3D interface that RViz provides. So it's still not recommended to make a RViz plugins?

I already started a plugin, reusing rqt_nav_view to load a 2D map, but I'm afraid that make it fully 3D will be a lot of development effort, and I don't have enough time.

Thanks for any input!

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-08-23 14:41:30 -0500

ahendrix gravatar image

The RViz plugin API is stable now, and it's possible to write display plugins for specialized data types. I maintain a number of custom rviz plugins as part of my day job.

The rviz wiki page has tutorials for writing new display types, panels and tools.

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Excellent! Thanks for the information.

jorge gravatar image jorge  ( 2014-08-23 15:43:15 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2014-08-23 14:07:59 -0500

Seen: 769 times

Last updated: Aug 23 '14