How to use depth_image_proc/register to convert a depth image from a tf to another?
Hello everybody! I'm working on ROS Hydro on Ubuntu 12.04. I have two simulated cameras: one depth camera and one RGB camera. They have a 4 cm horizontal offset between them, as specified on the urdf. I've successfully transformed the depth image into a point cloud using the depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgb nodelet as follows:
<!- Load processing nodelets for the depth camera -->
<arg name="cloud_input_ns" value="/some_namespace/cameras/" />
<arg name="upm_ns" value="/upm_perception"/>
<arg name="cam_info_subfolder" value="$(arg upm_ns)/cameras"/>
<!-- Nodelet manager for this pipeline -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="manager" name="depth_transforms_manager" output="screen"/>
<!-- Convert to point cloud -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="cloudify"
args="load depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgb depth_transforms_manager --no-bond">
<!-- Input: Rectified depth image, registered to the RGB camera. -->
<remap from="depth_registered/image_rect" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_cam_wf"/>
<!-- Input: Rectified color image. -->
<remap from="rgb/image_rect_color" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_rgb_cam_wf"/>
<!-- Input: Camera calibration and metadata. -->
<remap from="rgb/camera_info" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_camera_info"/>
<!-- Output: XYZRGB point cloud. -->
<remap from="depth_registered/points" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/points"/>
But to do this I cheated: I manually changed the scene_rgb_cam_wf frame_id to the scene_depth_cam_wf frame_id, something that is not true (as I said before, they have a horizontal displacement of 4 cm). I did it because otherwise I got this error:
[ERROR] [1406735828.647852543, 4422.770000000]: Depth image frame id [/scene_depth_camera_box] doesn't match RGB image frame id [/scene_rgb_camera_box]
So, by doing this I got my depth image transformed into a PoinCloudXYZRGB, but with the colors displaced. SO, to correct this I read that the depth_image_proc has another nodelet that lets you transform a depth image into the RGB image frame_id, the depth_image_proc/register.
So, I undid the manual change of the RGB image's frame id and wrote this .launch file:
<!-- Load processing nodelets for the depth camera -->
<arg name="cloud_input_ns" value="some_namespace/cameras/" />
<arg name="upm_ns" value="/upm_perception"/>
<arg name="cam_info_subfolder" value="$(arg upm_ns)/cam_info"/>
<arg name="cam_info_subfolder" value="$(arg upm_ns)/cameras"/>
<!-- Nodelet manager for this pipeline -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" args="manager" name="depth_transforms_manager" output="screen"/>
<!-- Get the scene depth image transformed to the rgb camera frame -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="transform_scenedepth2rgb"
args="load depth_image_proc/register depth_transforms_manager --no-bond">
<!-- Input: RGB camera calibration and metadata. (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo) -->
<remap from="rgb/camera_info" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_rgb_camera_info"/>
<!-- Input: Depth camera calibration and metadata. (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo) -->
<remap from="depth/camera_info" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_camera_info"/>
<!-- Input: Rectified depth image. (sensor_msgs/Image) -->
<remap from="depth/image_rect" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_cam_wf"/>
<!-- Output: Camera calibration and metadata. Same as rgb/camera_info but time-synced
to depth_registered/image_rect. (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo) -->
<remap from="depth_registered/camera_info" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_camera_info_sync"/>
<!-- Output: Reprojected depth image in the RGB camera frame. -->
<remap from="depth_registered/image_rect" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_cam_wf_2rgb"/>
<!-- Convert to point cloud -->
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="cloudify"
args="load depth_image_proc/point_cloud_xyzrgb depth_transforms_manager --no-bond">
<!-- Input: Rectified depth image, registered to the RGB camera. -->
<remap from="depth_registered/image_rect" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder)/scene_depth_cam_wf_2rgb"/>
<!-- Input: Rectified color image. -->
<remap from="rgb/image_rect_color" to="$(arg cam_info_subfolder ...
Have you solved this problem? I met the same problem...
me too! :) looking for a working launch file.
any luck now?
Same here.
In my case I needed to increase the queue size of
:<param name="queue_size" value="10" />