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Can I make a directory in launch file?

asked 2014-04-08 05:45:08 -0600

benabruzzo gravatar image

My local machine is a laptop running Ubuntu 10.04 (old, I know). While collecting data during my experiments, I am generating text files for Matlab, but I want to organize a single experiment into a new directory. Here is my test code (found on an ANT reference page):

<!-- -*- mode: XML -*-  -->
  <mkdir dir="/home/turtlebot/00x/"/>
  <!-- Other Stuff excluded as irrelevant -->

Does anyone know a way to have a directory (in this case /00x/) automatically generated using XML?

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I made a shell script and called it this way: <node pkg="hast" type="" name="makeDir" output="screen"/>

benabruzzo gravatar image benabruzzo  ( 2014-04-14 08:13:39 -0600 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-04-08 07:33:23 -0600

Tom Moore gravatar image

Also, nodes can be shell scripts, making directory creation pretty straightforward.

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I made a shell script and called it this way: <node pkg="hast" type="" name="makeDir" output="screen"/>

benabruzzo gravatar image benabruzzo  ( 2014-04-14 08:13:19 -0600 )edit

answered 2014-04-08 07:43:04 -0600

I found this interesting hack in maxwell_calibration:

  <node type="record" pkg="rosbag" name="robot_measurement_recorder" output="screen"
        args="-O /tmp/maxwell_calibration/cal_measurements robot_measurement robot_description" >
    <!-- Hack to create the directory -->
    <param name="mkdir_tmp" command="mkdir -m 777 -p /tmp/maxwell_calibration" />

So it appears you can create folders from launch files (using very hacky abuse of parameters)

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This method is interesting!

Ken_in_JAPAN gravatar image Ken_in_JAPAN  ( 2014-04-08 18:40:42 -0600 )edit

answered 2014-04-08 07:08:18 -0600

ahendrix gravatar image

You cannot do this directly in your launch file.

If you have a node that requires a directory to exist, you can have that node create the directory in question.

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Thank you.

benabruzzo gravatar image benabruzzo  ( 2014-04-08 07:19:04 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2014-04-08 05:45:08 -0600

Seen: 1,603 times

Last updated: Apr 08 '14