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side scan sonar

asked 2014-04-07 09:00:02 -0500


I'm working on an underwater robot simulator. The dynamic and control parts are covered and I am now trying to simulate side-scan sonars, as it is a commonly used sensor in AUV. Are there any ROS packages that already simulate this kind of sensors? I found a few papers on the theory, but nothing usable without recoding all the ray tracing.


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3 Answers

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answered 2014-04-07 21:52:32 -0500

Generation of this kind of sensor data has to be performed inside the simulator, so I´m not sure how a existing ROS package could help you there. Gazebo provides a RaySensor that can be used inside plugins to generate simulated sensor data for your ROS robot, but as you are working on your own simulator this probably can only serve as inspiration.

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Yep, I'm actually using Gazebo, just added buoyancy and other hydro effects to deal with the underwater environment. I'll look into this RaySensor as a base for a sidescan sonar plugin. Thanks!

Olivier Kermorgant gravatar image Olivier Kermorgant  ( 2014-04-09 04:58:13 -0500 )edit

answered 2014-04-07 21:53:46 -0500

updated 2014-04-07 21:54:01 -0500

Thanks for the answer. I use Gazebo, so there are already some range sensors. However, sonar works differently, especially in water.

I would like to do sonar-based visual servoing (I do camera AUV visual servo at the moment). So at first, it does not need to be too realistic (speckle and all). I'll try to build side scar sonar images with classical range sensors and see what is generated.

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answered 2014-04-07 14:28:34 -0500

Tom Moore gravatar image

I'm not aware of any. I spend a fair amount of time working with forward-looking sonars and haven't found any simulations on that front, either. How high fidelity does it need to be? Can you modify a simulator for another sensor that provides similar output?

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Asked: 2014-04-07 09:00:02 -0500

Seen: 1,191 times

Last updated: Apr 07 '14