how to redraw a 3d map offline according to the collected data

asked 2014-03-04 04:26:18 -0500

Battery gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:36:02 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I have used kinect-3d-slam of MRPT to collect a file of data.

It is printed in real time a 3d map of a small room. Now I have stored the data like:

2.153973 1.229960 0.884632

2.180799 1.234268 0.895650

2.194463 1.219843 0.901262

2.236500 1.228155 0.918526

2.222315 1.209146 0.912700

2.236500 1.194281 0.918526

2.222315 1.175487 0.912700

2.250876 1.186806 0.924430

2.265433 1.171606 0.930409

2.265433 1.148731 0.930409

2.250876 1.126198 0.924430

2.250876 1.099682 0.924430

2.265433 1.083919 0.930409

2.280179 1.071788 0.936464

2.280179 1.048764 0.936464

2.280179 1.025740 0.936464

2.265433 0.996232 0.930409

2.295117 0.993836 0.942600

2.280179 0.979693 0.936464

2.265433 0.950482 0.930409

2.265433 0.927607 0.930409

2.280179 0.914458 0.936464

2.265433 0.889482 0.930409

2.280179 0.876085 0.936464

2.265433 0.862795 0.930409

2.265433 0.839920 0.930409

2.265433 0.817045 0.930409

2.280179 0.803177 0.936464

2.265433 0.782733 0.930409

and want to redraw it in other time. Is there any methods to do that? I am using ubuntu 12.04. The data is in .txt file.

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