Problem installing tabletop_object_perception package
I have been trying to use the tabletop_object_perception package
The binary for ros-electric-tabletop_object_perception downloads only 3 files and so, i attempted installing from the SVN source of it.
There were lot of dependencies unresolved and i have been installing many of those from the SVN sources. There are compilation errors in many trunks , like motion_planning_common and also tabletop_object_detector .
"/ros_electric/tabletop_object_perception/tabletop_object_detector/include/tabletop_object_detector/marker_generator.h:45:41: error: geometric_shapes_msgs/Shape.h: No such file or directory"
Has anyone managed to get the entire package working ? is there a binary for the package with all the dependencies available ?
No one? There seems to be discrepancy between tabletop_object_detector and electric. geometric_shapes_msgs was part of motion_planning_common, which became arm_navigation.