robot_pose_ekf with an external sensor
I am trying to use the robot_pose_ekf package with my system, and am having trouble understanding what my tf tree should look like, and what frame the output of robot_pose_ekf is in. My robot is microcontroller based and is not running ROS on-board. Additionally it does not have any IMU information or visual sensing on-board. It reports its pose estimate (based on odometry) in an /odom frame at a fixed frequency. I have an external vision system tracking the robot as well. The transform from the /sensor_optical frame to the /odom frame is static and known. Every time the sensor transmits an estimate of the robot's position, I use this transform to transform the data into the /odom frame.
Thus, the /odom topic comes from the robot's odometry, and its header.frame_id is /odom, and its child_frame_id is /base_footprint. The /vo topic comes from the external vision system, and its header.frame_id is /odom, and its child_frame_id is /base_footprint. When I run the system the robot_pose_ekf package runs without any errors. If I plot the pose published on the /odom and /vo topic, they are exactly what I expect, but the pose published on /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined topic is not what I expect. Setting the covariances of the /vo topic to be very high, the pose output of /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined is then the same "shape" as that of /odom, but it must be in some odd coordinate system.
What am I doing wrong? What frame should this pose be expressed in? When I use tf2_visualization, I see that I have unconnected trees. robot_pose_ekf publishes a transform from /odom_combined -> /base_footprint, but that transform is unconnected from the rest of the tree. I definitely believe this is a problem, but I am unsure how to fix it. Finally, the pose published in /robot_pose_ekf/odom_combined says its frame_id is odom (but it doesn't actually seem to be).