import tf segfaults python on OS X 10.9 with brewed python
I revently got the desktop-full variant of ROS hydro installed on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. There were a series of smaller issues, e.g. most of the ones mentioned at, but in the end I got everything to compile.
When I start up python and type import tf
, it crashes with
Segmentation fault: 11
My python version is 2.7.6 from homebrew. I don't even know how to start debugging this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This seems to be caused by faulty cmake find_package(PythonLibs), which in turn caused by to be linked against apple's python, while I'm using brewed python. I opened this issue:
I guess the question that remains is if anybody else has the same issue. For me it is not isolated to tf, but all python modules that are built with find_package(PythonLibs) and link against the found python libs.
[moved to new question]
When used to be Edit2 is now a new question as suggested. Thanks.
Unless you have a reason for using the Homebrew Python, I would highly recommend using the built-in Python, in my experience it causes far fewer issues.
I think Edit2 above should be asked as a new question.
Can you edit the wiki to reflect that?
Thank you!