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initial version

I thought, if odometry topic from gazevo diff drive plugin is published at 99Hz, the clock is also published in high rate - no. So, accoeding to this I added gazebo.yaml

    publish_rate: 100.0

and in gazebo launch loaded this config yaml. Now the ekf is as needed - ~30Hz .

But the problem witn slow odom in rviz remains, robot moves 5 times faster, then odom. Will ask another question separately as the frequency problem is solved.

I thought, if odometry topic from gazevo diff drive plugin is published at 99Hz, the clock is also published in at high rate - no. So, accoeding according to this I added gazebo.yaml

    publish_rate: 100.0

and in gazebo launch loaded this config yaml. Now the ekf is as needed - ~30Hz .

But the problem witn slow odom in rviz remains, robot moves 5 times faster, then odom. Will ask another question separately as the frequency problem is solved.