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The documentation for the transform, and pose conventions I was looking for can be found here:


To represent the pose of an object in the map, I'm not sure what convention is used. i.e.. if the data should be in the frame of object (camera, robot,etc..) or in the frame of the map.
For the frame_id of an object map, the data should be in the coordinates of the map, opposite to CV/SLAM convention where a pose of a camera is the coordinates of a map in the frame of the camera.

The documentation for the transform, and pose conventions I was looking for can be found here:


To represent the pose of an object in the map, I'm not sure what convention is used. i.e.. if the data should be in the frame of object (camera, robot,etc..) or in the frame of the map.

For the frame_id of an object map, the data should be in the coordinates of the map, opposite to CV/SLAM convention where a pose of a camera is the coordinates of a map in the frame of the camera.