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ROS 2 Foxy is using colcon, not catkin - you have to check this PR in the Groot repository:


There you have instructions how to build Groot in ROS 2

ROS 2 Foxy is using colcon, not catkin - you have to check this PR in the Groot repository:


There you have instructions how to build Groot in ROS 2 - you can also see my answer to this question with clear instructions how to install and use Groot to modify a BT:


ROS 2 Foxy is using colcon, not catkin - you have to check this PR in the Groot repository:


There you have instructions how to build Groot in ROS 2 - you can also see my answer to this question with clear instructions how to install and use Groot to modify a BT:


Modification of the Behavior Tree - you can use the Groot. For the ROS2 Galactic use:

   cd ~/dev_ws/src
   git clone
   cd ..
   rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src
   colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select groot

I have sudo apt install ros-galactic-behaviortree-cpp-v3 before too.

You have to source install/setup.bash and ./build/groot/Groot.