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Hi @kiru, so regarding remapping in read only files, you can refer to this link - With this you can make your own launch file and then include the read only launch file within which you can assign your own required values to arguments or parameters and also remap topics, refer the link you will understand better. I have personally used this package sometime back. One cannot directly publish the scan data to the filtered_cloud topic, you will need some package like laser_assembler that converts the laser scans to point cloud and then remap the topic on which the point cloud is published to filtered_cloud topic. Since I have personally used this package , from my experience I will say it is not much efficient and is slow in detecting and tracking objects, yes it will depend on the application you are thinking of using it for but for the application I wanted to use it for, I found it slow so just giving you a heads-up in advance, all the best and hope so this solves your problem.

Hi @kiru, so regarding remapping in read only files, you can refer to this link - With this you can make your own launch file and then include the read only launch file within which you can assign your own required values to arguments or parameters and also remap topics, refer the link you will understand better. I have personally used this package sometime back. One cannot directly publish the scan data to the filtered_cloud topic, you will need some package like laser_assembler that converts the laser scans to point cloud and then remap the topic on which the point cloud is published to filtered_cloud topic. Since I have personally used this package , from my experience I will say it is not much efficient and is slow in detecting and tracking objects, yes it will depend on the application you are thinking of using it for but for the application I wanted to use it for, I found it slow so just giving you a heads-up in advance, all the best and hope so this solves your problem.