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This means you have used the same node name more than once in your Python or launch files, or you’re trying to launch the same program when it’s already running. Please check the following for this repetition:

  • Your rospy.init_node() statements
  • Your launch file node declaration: <node name="whatever" ... />

It’s about the name for your node in your Python code and launch files.

You should check with ros2 topic list -t and ros2 node list what each launcher starts separately, topics and nodes. The node called robot_state_publisher could be buried in these.

Side note: AFAIK from you should just connect with ssh to your TB3 and launch bringup scripts. Why do you use turtlebot3_remote.launch too?

This means you have used the same node name more than once in your Python or launch files, or you’re trying to launch the same program when it’s already running. Please check the following for this repetition:

  • Your rospy.init_node() statements
  • Your launch file node declaration: <node name="whatever" ... />

It’s about the name for your node in your Python code and launch files.

You should check with ros2 topic list -trostopic list and ros2 node rosnode list what each launcher starts separately, topics and nodes. The node called robot_state_publisher could be buried in these.

Side note: AFAIK from you should just connect with ssh to your TB3 and launch bringup scripts. Why do you use turtlebot3_remote.launch too?

This means you have used the same node name more than once in your Python or launch files, or you’re trying to launch the same program when it’s already running. Please check the following for this repetition:

  • Your rospy.init_node() statements
  • Your launch file node declaration: <node name="whatever" ... />

It’s about the name for your node in your Python code and launch files.

You should check with rostopic list and rosnode list what each launcher starts separately, topics and nodes. The node called robot_state_publisher could be buried in these.

Side note: AFAIK from you should just connect with ssh to your TB3 and launch bringup scripts. Why do you use turtlebot3_remote.launch too?

    # Select which filter type to use.
    # 0: Range based filtering (distance between consecutive points)
    # 1: Euclidean filtering based on radius outlier search

    # Only ranges smaller than this range are taken into account
    max_range: 2.0

    # filter_type[0] (Distance): max distance between consecutive points
    # filter_type[1] (RadiusOutlier): max distance between points
    max_range_difference: 0.1

    # filter_type[0] (Distance): Number of consecutive ranges that will be tested for max_distance
    # filter_type[1] (RadiusOutlier): Minimum number of neighbors
    filter_window: 2