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I'm not sure what's happening with this specific package, but apt list *py-trees-ros will list all available packages in the repositories ending with "py-trees-ros". My output is:

Listing... Done
ros-dashing-py-trees-ros/bionic 1.2.1-2bionic.20210521.230415 amd64
ros-eloquent-py-trees-ros/bionic 2.0.11-1bionic.20201207.172830 amd64
ros-melodic-py-trees-ros/bionic 0.5.21-1bionic.20210505.044943 amd64

I'm on Ubuntu Bionic right now, so it's not surprising that a Noetic package isn't listed. It's worth checking that your ROS repositories are set up correctly (wiki). As mentioned in issue 162 on GitHub, all indications are that the Noetic packages should be available in the ROS repositories.