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Hi why do you need this package?

From my experience with ROS1, it is possible you use a package developed for indigo distro on kinetic/melodic or newer for example but you will have a lot of code work to adapt this pkg to work with other ros-distro after compile the workspace. And from my experience the pkg cannot work so good as you expect.

I believe the same is valid for AutowareAuto and AutowareAi, I believe it is possible but will be even harder. For the following reason:

  • AutowareAI is ROS1 based and AutowareAuto is ROS2 based. Therefore ROS nodes interaction change a little a bit as well as programming language, which in ROS2 is almost c++ based and in ROS1 you have pkgs built mainly in python.

The AutowareAuto team developed code to detect lanes on highway with the camera sensor. You can check here how to implement for your case and contact the team if needed.

I am also using both softwares, but I am still a beginner. Hope I could help.

Hi why do you need this package?

From my experience with ROS1, it is possible you use a package developed for indigo distro on kinetic/melodic or newer for example but you will have a lot of code work coding tasks to adapt this pkg to work with other ros-distro after compile the workspace. And from my experience the pkg cannot work so good as you expect.

I believe the same is valid for AutowareAuto and AutowareAi, I believe think it is possible but will be even harder. For the following reason:

  • AutowareAI is ROS1 based and AutowareAuto is ROS2 based. Therefore ROS nodes interaction change a little a bit as well as programming language, which in ROS2 is almost c++ based and in ROS1 you have pkgs built mainly in python.

The AutowareAuto team developed code to detect lanes on highway with the camera sensor. You can check here how to implement for your case and contact the team if needed.

I am also using both softwares, but I am still a beginner. Hope I could help.