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Hey, the basis of all your robot movements will be ros_control, a very generic ROS framework for controlling actuators. If you already have your robot working in gazebo, you are probably aware of the way ros_control interacts with gazebo (see this tutorial for more information). Based on this, there are several levels where you could start integrating a custom FK/IK:

  1. The most simple case: You just want to set a cartesian waypoint and move the robot to the corresponding joint configuration given by your IK. In this case, you want to load a position forward controller (like the the e.g. an effort_controllers/JointGroupPositionController), which just listens for an array of target joint positions on a command topic and tries to move there with little PID logic. You would then wrap your IK inside a custom node, which would listen for cartesian targets and then send joint configuration targets to the controller.
  2. If you want to execute complete cartesian trajectories, you might want to load a joint_trajectory_controller and again implement your IK in a different node. This node would now convert full cartesian trajectories into series of joint configurations and send them to the controller, which would take care of interpolation between the points. Caution: you still need to do time parametrization yourself here (i.e. determine how long moving from one point to the next will take).
  3. If you are at some point really comfortable in your ros_control knowledge, you could use both your IK and your FK to implement a custom ros_control controller, which would then directly directly run in the robot control loop. Examples for this approach can be found in the cartesian_controllers package.
  4. If you don't really want to dive into the actual control side, but instead want to do real manipulation using your new tools and even compare them to state-of-the-art IKs, you might want to take a look at MoveIt and specifically their plugin system for inverse kinematics. With this, you would take a huge step forwards in capabilities (and complexity) and get everything around the basic IK (i.e. Collision-free planning, time parametrization and many advanced manipulation features) "for free". Of course, getting into MoveIt is a bit of a learning curve all by itself, and it also uses ros_control "under the hood" to send commands to actuators (and get feedback from them).

Some general remarks: I think if your main goal is to learn about FK/IK implementation, stick with 1 and 2. You won't get around learning a bit of how ros_control works, as this is the basis of most actuation in ROS (and the control methodology used in Gazebo), but this should be manageable. There are some great tutorials out there, in addition i would just recommend taking a look at rqt_controller_manager when you get to fiddling around with your simulation.

Your IK will be much more useful then your FK in most cases, as ROS typically uses robot_state_publisher for all its FK needs. If you can already see your gazebo robot in rviz, you probably already have this running. The typical FK pipeline in ROS looks something like:

  • ros_control has a joint_state_controller running, which publishes all joint states on the joint_states topic.
  • robot_state_publisher reads your robot_description from your URDF files and listens to joint_states, calculating the position of all links based on its forward kinematics and publishing it as tf transforms.
  • rviz uses the visual information from your robot_description and renders them at the poses it gets from tf

This does of course not mean that implementing a custom FK doesn't have any use cases, there are for example some parallel kinematics that cannot be described reasonably in the URDF format (mostly weird parallel kinematics). But i hope this gives you a broad "thousand feet above" overview about the topics you touched, feel free to ask more about specifics.