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Hello Hassan,

It might be useful to check if you have a RViz configuration file at the stated path. For an illustration, please check how the tutorial.launch of hector_slam uses RViz node.

<node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find hector_slam_launch)/rviz_cfg/mapping_demo.rviz"/>

See at github that under the rviz_cfg folder, there is a configuration file, mapping_demo.rviz.

You can adjust what topics to show, how the RViz should look like and other parameters regarding the visualization, by creating or modifying a configuration file and calling it at rviz node. If you are unsure what topics to show or topics' exact names, simply use rosrun rviz rviz to open an empty RViz and click "add" at the left bottom and choose "by topic". That will show what topics and with which classes you can visualize them. Then you can add them to your config file.

I hope it helps.