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Yep, I'm having the same problem. It looks like what's happening is that when we update the servo command with a new command, it simply ORs the bits together.

In other words, if your first command was 5, which is 00000101 in binary, and you send over 3 as your next command, which is 00000011 in binary, the next value will be 7, which is 00000111 in binary.

It looks like this problem has already been solved here

but I don't know how to apply it.

I've removed the old copy of rosserial in /opt/ros/electric/stacks and added the new version from the trunk into my ROS package path, but I still get the same error.

Any thoughts?

(I'm also running Electric.)

Yep, I'm having the same problem. It looks like what's happening is that when we update the servo command with a new command, it simply ORs the bits together.

In other words, if your first command was 5, which is 00000101 in binary, and you send over 3 as your next command, which is 00000011 in binary, the next value will be 7, which is 00000111 in binary.

It looks like this problem has already been solved here

but I don't know how to apply it.

I've removed the old copy of rosserial in /opt/ros/electric/stacks and added the new version from the trunk into my ROS package path, but I still get the same error.

Any thoughts?

(I'm also running Electric.)

UPDATE: Whoop--it looks like I've discovered the answer! Here's what I did:

Note: I've only gotten this to work with electric.

  1. Remove the old version of rosserial.
  2. acquire the updated version of rosserial using mercurial here:
  3. rosmake it and put the libraries folder in your Arduino sketchbook.
  4. Make sure you're using Arduino 1.0

(My problem was that I was still running version 022.)

Hope this helps!

(Thanks, Mike Ferguson!)