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initial version

There are a few things you have to modify to get things working :

  1. In the link base_link you should have a tag collision because it's a required tag.
  2. Not sure if it's a typo but :

    <arg name="model" default="$(find little_pig_atv)/basic_geometry_pig.urdf.xacro"/>

It looks like it's missing the folder /urdf/ as your comment suggest.

  1. I could reproduced the same issue with your urdf and changing the inertial data (I simply copied the inertial data from the base link and applied to all the other links but you should calculate the propper value for each link) and I got the robot in Gazebo.

There are a few things you have to modify to get things working :

  1. In the link base_link you should have a tag collision because it's a required tag.
  2. Not sure if it's a typo but :

     <arg name="model" default="$(find little_pig_atv)/basic_geometry_pig.urdf.xacro"/>


It looks like it's missing the folder /urdf/ as your comment suggest.

  1. I could reproduced the same issue with your urdf and changing the inertial data (I simply copied the inertial data from the base link and applied to all the other links but you should calculate the propper value for each link) and I got the robot in Gazebo. Gazebo.