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Changing odom to map in local_costmap_params.yaml does not tackle the root of the problem.

The error is likely caused by the frequency / timing mismatch in publishing for your tf /map -> /odom and the rest of the tree. Take a look at this answer.

In my case, I solved this by making my /map -> /odom transform valid by adding a bit of buffer time to the transform.header.stamp (i.e. making the transform slightly from the future) like so:

    map_to_odom_msg.header.stamp = now + ros::Duration(1.0);

It sure seems hacky, but it worked for me... It'd be great if someone could correct me if there's a more proper way of synchronizing tfs.

For reference, the error message stems from this line of code. I suspect that line is missing a waitForTransform but I'm no expert in the ROS source code..