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Okay, I can see a straightforward way to achieve what you want. Correct me if I'm wrong but you want to be able to view data live and easily capture time stamps when the user wants to.

RVIZ publishes a topic /clicked_point which is triggered using the publish point tool (red balloon on the top tool bar) these messages contain the time, frame and 3d location of the point that was clicked on by the user. For example here is one I've just made:

  seq: 0
    secs: 1548935423
    nsecs: 325876193
  frame_id: "lidar"
  x: 0.171642303467
  y: -0.0118083953857
  z: -0.338916778564

If your node subscribes to this topic you can record the time stamps for each received message, as well as the frame and the closest frame origin to the clicked point too if you needed.

Hope this helps.