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well, they all run continuously. You can shutdown any node with rosnode kill MYNODE and the others won't be affected. Or do you need their output on the console? Then you can use rqt_console to filter the messages.

well, they all run continuously. You can shutdown any node with rosnode kill MYNODE MYNODE and the others won't be affected. Or do you need their output on the console? Then you can use rqt_console rqt_console to filter the messages.

well, they all run continuously. You can shutdown any node with rosnode kill MYNODE and the others won't be affected. Or do you need their output on the console? Then you can use rqt_console to filter the messages.

The <include> tag enables you to import another roslaunch XML file into the current file. It will be imported within the current scope of your document, including <group> and <remap> tags. All content in the include file will be imported except for the <master> tag: the <master> tag is only obeyed in the top-level file.