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Message types and package names are case sensitive in both C++ and Python in ROS, so each of the examples you give will be different. If you try to use different cases, you will get compile errors in C++ (saying it can't find the header file you're trying to include) and import errors in Python, so it won't let you get very far using a different case.

Message types and package names are case sensitive in both C++ and Python in ROS, so each of the examples you give will be different. If you try to use different cases, you will get compile errors in C++ (saying it can't find the header file you're trying to include) and import errors in Python, so it won't let you get very far using a different case.

EDIT: As a summary of the comment thread, there is a difference between the message types (e.g. UInt64.msg) and the primitive types that define the data attributes on those messages (e.g. uint64). It is indicated on the documentation for the std_msgs package that those messages are not intended for long-term use, since they each name their data attributes "data", and that it is better to define your own with more descriptive names for the data stored on the message. It seems the std_msgs are more intended to show what primitive data types are available, and how to include them in your own message definitions.

Message types and package names are case sensitive in both C++ and Python in ROS, so each of the examples you give will be different. If you try to use different cases, you will get compile errors in C++ (saying it can't find the header file you're trying to include) and import errors in Python, so it won't let you get very far using a different case.

EDIT: As a summary of the comment thread, there is a difference between the message types (e.g. UInt64.msg) and the primitive types that define the data attributes on those messages (e.g. uint64). It is indicated on the documentation for the std_msgs package that those messages are not intended for long-term use, since they each name their data attributes "data", and that it is better to define your own with more descriptive names for the data stored on the message. It seems the std_msgs messages are more intended to show what primitive data types are available, and how to include them in your own message definitions.