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Mainly, because even specifying the topic of the data (position, laser ranging, speed control), it doesn't recognize it.

Are you using the right messages to pass the data?
You can find the right messages to use here RViz Display Types

From the troubleshooting page from RVIZ I found out I have to include my data into a tf, something that sounds very complicated and (maybe) unnecessary.

You can set the Global frame to the data you want to visualize, for example, if your data are LaserScan messages you should change the global frame to the frame_id of this message (usually /laser)

Is there any way out? And if there's not, any tutorials on how to turn my data/topic into a tf?

You can publish static tf transforms using the tf static transform publisher

For instance if you have a Pose and a LaserScan to be shown you can publish two static transforms one from /base to /pose and the other from /base to /laser and set rviz global frame with /base