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Hello, it seems that I found a simple solution and that until now it works perfectly.

It works in turtlebot 2 and turtlebot 3, the simplest solution is that before performing the "bringup", add in the robot terminal

export ROS_NAMESPACE=Robot1

and then perform the bring up for the respective model of your robot, for example for the burger

roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch

Doing this with each one of the robots you have, you avoid conflicts in the topics. Even if you do not want to do this every time you start the robots, you can add the name in the bash of your robot.

In the robot terminal

gedit ~/.bashrc

Add the name of the robot in the window


You save it and finally in the terminal

source ~/.bashrc

I hope that if someone has this problem, this information will be helpful